Effective filtration and system contamination protocols
Posted On: 14 November 2022

Effective filtration and system contamination protocols

CONTAMINANTS particles create head- aches for hydraulic engineers. Please acknowledge that with time the hydraulic systems become less efficient and allow more contaminants to enter the system. With time and continued use such ingression will ultimately cause breakdown in the system. The chances of a catastrophic breakdown become more prevalent if the system maintenance is neglected.

Hydraulic systems & components
Posted On: 14 November 2022


Level Measurement & Control
Posted On: 01 April 2022

Daily checks of hydraulic systems, or checks at the time of employee shift changes, are good practices that should be part of the analyses a system engineer has to adopt as part of a successful maintenance programme. However, monitoring a system in real-time, or simply alerting an operator that system conditions have changed or are below required specification, can mean the difference between a simple fluid top-up or catastrophic starving of the pump and pump failure.

Faster ABC wins Systems & Components Trophy 2022
Posted On: 09 February 2022

We are extremely proud to announce that our concept Faster ABC – Always the Best Connection has been awarded as one of the winners of the Systems & Components Trophy.

Understanding the Importance of the Relationship between Pressure and Flow in a Hydraulic system?
Posted On: 29 October 2021

Two functions are performed when powering a hydraulic pump. It is the mechanical action which, initially creates a vacuum and enable the atmospheric pressure to drive and force oil from the hydraulic tank (reservoir) into the inlet port of the pump. Through this mechanical action the oil is then delivered to the outlet port and driven into the main hydraulic line feeding the system. It thus establishes that a hydraulic pump produces flow and NOT Pressure as is commonly thought.


Avoid fatalities with RELIABLE &SAFE Quick Release Couplings and Faster Multi Faster System
Posted On: 29 October 2021

As agricultural machine construction improves, the need for reliable coupling of lines on agricultural applications increases. There are risks and maintenance personnel, have to be extremely careful when connecting hoses and attachments to hydraulically powered tractors, implements and harvesters. There is no substitute for the use of a reliable, sturdy and efficient quick release couplings when connecting or disconnecting hydraulic lines.  

The importance of lube oil system filtration and monitoring
Posted On: 29 October 2021

THE viscosity of oil in a lube system and its impact on system bearings if not filtered appropriately can adversely impact on system performance and have catastrophic consequences and system non-performance. SKF states; “as long as particles larger than the lubricant film are removed, bearings can have an infinite life”.  Lubricants must be checked for contamination when the lube oil is delivered at the plant. Whether it is offline filtration or online filtration engineers should ensure the lube oil is clean and meets the system specifications.

Posted On: 14 July 2021

The viscosity of oil in a lube system and its impact on system bearings if not filtered appropriately can adversely impact on system performance and have catastrophic consequences and system non-performance. SKF states; “as long as particles larger than the lubricant film are removed, bearings can have an infinite life”.  Lubricants must be checked for contamination when the lube oil is delivered at the plant. Whether it is offline filtration or online filtration engineers should ensure the lube oil is clean and meets the system specifications.  


Posted On: 14 April 2021

Contaminants such as solid, liquid, and gaseous particles are the bane of a hydraulic engineer. Systems over time become less efficient and ultimately will breakdown. This will be costly. These are neither generated externally or internally through fluids, component corrosion or wear and tear, or reduced systems maintenance and housekeeping. In difficult economic times, system maintenance is often relegated as a low priority. Cost savings exercises are adopted.

Can you afford not to filter effectively and control contamination?
Posted On: 14 April 2021

In challenging economic times, system maintenance
is prone to be neglected and relegated as a low
priority. Cost savings exercises are adopted. System
engineers or procurement officers o en quiz about
the cost of contamina on monitoring equipment
or appropriate filtra on equipment within their
hydraulic system. Users seldom focus on me savings
and the cost savings if an effective supervisory and
maintenance regimen is adopted to control and
manage contamina on.
Let us examine a few points where investing and